# Makefile

SHELL := /bin/bash

WITH_VENV := source venv/bin/activate && 

.PHONY: clean
	rm -f .make.*
	rm -rf venv*

# Environment:

	/usr/bin/python3.8 --version
	virtualenv --python=/usr/bin/python3.8 venv

.make.venv: venv/bin/activate
	touch .make.venv

.make.venv.pip-tools: .make.venv requirements/pip-tools.txt
	${WITH_VENV} pip install -r requirements/pip-tools.txt
	touch .make.venv.pip-tools

.make.venv.dev: .make.venv.pip-tools
.make.venv.dev: requirements/pip-tools.txt requirements/base.txt requirements/dev.txt
	@ echo 'NOTE: `touch requirements/{base,deploy,dev}.txt` to snooze dependency upgrade when `.in` files are modified.'
	${WITH_VENV} pip-sync requirements/pip-tools.txt requirements/base.txt requirements/dev.txt
	touch .make.venv.dev

# Requirements:

requirements/base.txt: requirements/pip-tools.txt 
requirements/base.txt: requirements/base.in
requirements/base.txt: | .make.venv.pip-tools
	${WITH_VENV} pip-compile requirements/base.in

requirements/deploy.txt: requirements/pip-tools.txt requirements/base.txt 
requirements/deploy.txt: requirements/deploy.in
requirements/deploy.txt: | .make.venv.pip-tools
	${WITH_VENV} pip-compile requirements/deploy.in

requirements/dev.txt: requirements/pip-tools.txt requirements/base.txt requirements/deploy.txt 
requirements/dev.txt: requirements/dev.in
requirements/dev.txt: | .make.venv.pip-tools
	${WITH_VENV} pip-compile requirements/dev.in
.PHONY: requirements
requirements: requirements/base.txt requirements/dev.txt requirements/deploy.txt
	@ echo 'NOTE: `rm requirements/{base,deploy,dev}.txt` before `make requirements` to upgrade all the dependencies.'

# Entrypoints:

.PHONY: test-unit
test-unit: .make.venv.dev
	@ ${WITH_VENV} python -c 'import pytest; print("pytest would run as version " + pytest.__version__ + "!")'

Makefile above automates pip-tools dependency management workflow during development.
Say we just cloned a repo set up this way. We can run unit tests straight away* by make test-unit. It will:

  1. create a new virtual environment under venv.
  2. Install pip-tools in it.
  3. pip-compile all the .in requirements (application, deployment and development) to .txt in correct order.
  4. pip-sync all the requirements.
  5. Run whatever we needed to run in the beginning, in this case - pytest.
Of course all of this happens under venv environment.
And of course the subsequent calls to make test-unit will simply invoke pytest since everything would be already set up and up to date.
* Well, not quite that easy actually: we'd have to install virtualenv dependency and correct version of Python, here - 3.8.

Now, let's say we're testing out some new library, say google-cloud-speech.
All we have to do is echo 'google-cloud-speech~=1.3.2' >> requirements/base.in and then simply call make test-unit again:

  1. change in base.in will be detected and it will be compiled to base.txt.
  2. Since development requirements depend on base.txt, dev.in will get recompiled too to respect new application requirements.
  3. Virtual environment will be pip-sync-ed with new requirements.
  4. Unit tests will run and from google.cloud import speech_v1 will work.
During all of this we were free to work on code and forget about manually managing dependencies - our virtual environment and pinned requirements were managed and kept up to date.

GNU Make was designed precisely for compilation tasks and therefore it works really well with pip-tools. After all, pip-compile is pip-compile
Application requirements base.in compile to corresponding .txt file, upon which development requirements depend - dev.in must respect what's inside already compiled base.txt and it is very easy to express such relationship with GNU Make. All we have to do is configure prerequisites correctly.
The "uncompiled" requirement files might look like this:

# Note that requirement files are tucked inside "requirements"
# directory to avoid flooding project root.

# requirements/base.in

-c pip-tools.txt


# requirements/deploy.in

-c pip-tools.txt
-c base.txt


# requirements/dev.in

-c pip-tools.txt
-c base.txt
-c deploy.txt

Note that Makefile prerequisites directly map to -c constraints.
Also note that pip-tools.in doesn't "participate" in requirements compilation flow to avoid chicken and egg problem - we couldn't pip-compile pip-tools.in without having pip-tools in place already.
You can think of Python + pip-tools as "base" environment, upon which we can build workflow automation. Therefore, pip-tools.txt is generated manually only once when setting up the project.

Why not Pipenv or Poetry?
Pipenv reviews on the web were so unfavorable that I ruled out that option straight away without even testing it out.
As for Poetry - I did try it out, but encountered a deal-breaker bug.
I created an issue (#2080), which didn't attract any attention for several months.
Recently, just as I was starting to roll up my sleeves to take up the holy challenge of contributing to open source by fixing that bug myself, I noticed a PR from project author linking to my issue. Two PRs actually: a refactor in the core and an actual fix. (Gotta appreciate it when people refactor their code! That PR was actually just a first step of larger scale refactor, as author put it in comment.)
Needless to say, my ambition of contributing such a fix was not based in reality, to put it mildly.
But the point is - the project is being actively developed and well maintained.
I believe that Poetry will eventually become Python packaging and dependency management standard.

I still appreciate simple setups like above though.
For one, pip-tools is a battle tested software and relying on it is never a bad idea. I've been using this setup for quite some time already and I don't seem to have any serious complaints with it.
Also, it's very simple and does only what I need it to. Packaging and distribution is not one of them.
Third, the Makefile is out there in the project to be fiddled with. If something breaks you can fix it right there.
But there are downsides too of course: for teams it might be easier to onboard new developers with Poetry - it works much like npm and that's much less intimidating than my setup. As Poetry matures and gains more adoption it will become a de facto standard. At that point deviating from it will no longer be pragmatic, especially once all the bugs are dealt with. (Which I don't think there are many left of.)

(A template of sorts available on my gh repo.)
In this blog James Cooke describes his Makefile. It's cleaner and more elegant by virtue of using wildcards.